How to engage with Circle’s Smart Contract Platform

Number one. Explore existing smart contracts. Discovering the ins and outs of smart contracts can help you prepare to build your own or get started using them faster. Until now, looking under the hood of a smart contract has required additional tools.

From the platform's dashboard, you can import an existing smart contract to view its ABI functions, read the source code, and see any transactions associated with the contract. You can also integrate these existing contracts directly into your app instead of deploying one yourself. That brings us to number two. Use the platform to create your own smart contracts.

Building on the blockchain has long been a barrier to developers. Our goal is to get rid of that barrier for developers like you. With Circle’s Smart Contract Platform, you don't have to know Solidity to create a smart contract. We provide you with audited templates for the most frequently used functionality.

Whether or not you're writing smart contracts from scratch, these templates can help you start building fast without needing to write a single line of code. With the smart contract written, you're ready for number three” deploying contracts individually or at scale. The smart contract is designed to simplify deployments. If you're new to Web3 or rolling out smart contracts for the first time, you can execute low-frequency actions directly from the dashboard to deploy contracts one at a time, or if you're part of a big enterprise and need to mint a ton of NFTs at once, you can leverage our APIs to programmatically deploy smart contracts en masse.

And finally, number four, manage your contracts across chains. Our platform's intuitive UI enables you to change contract ownership, update configurations, and access analytics. Managing the lifecycle of your contracts from a single console not only streamlines operations, it gives you a comprehensive picture of the health of your program.

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