Crypto exchanges like Coinbase and FTX love fiat-backed stablecoins like USDC. Read our blog today to learn why!

This is part of a series of blogs to help people understand the various ways USD Coin (USDC) powers the crypto ecosystem. The other blogs in this series are available here
In a little over a year since the launch of USD Coin (USDC), it has become one of the most popular quote currencies on digital asset exchanges across the globe. Currently, 60+ exchanges-including Binance, Coinbase Pro, and Poloniex-support the dollar-backed stablecoin. And that number is on the rise.
Why do so many exchanges choose to list USDC when, unlike bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptoassets, it doesn’t grow in value? We answer that question and more in the report below.

If you want to try USDC, find out how here.