Circle has launched Circle Ventures to invest in compelling, early-stage blockchain companies aligned with Circle’s mission and values. Learn more!

Circle’s mission is to raise global economic prosperity through the frictionless exchange of financial value. Achieving it is ambitious and will take a village of many, many people and projects and companies to develop the technologies, the products and protocols needed to get us there.
Which is why we are introducing Circle Ventures. Our simple goal is to support the most interesting and exceptional people, projects and companies that are contributing to this mission. Leveling the playing field for entrepreneurs and individual investors is an important area of focus for the company. Through Circle Ventures, we will be now able to bring our financial capital to bear, support these compelling early-stage companies in a new way, and accelerate their development and contributions to our shared mission.
In this rapidly changing world, we are all growing and learning and evolving, and we have no way of knowing what will happen over time - perhaps one day some of these projects will be Circle customers, but that is not our goal today. We want to accelerate our mission, and believe that the substantial benefits of doing so will accrue to us all over time.
We are fortunate to have a wonderful team of current and former colleagues, with broad reach and connectivity into the blockchain ecosystem. Great ideas and connections come from all quarters, and we encourage all those connected to Circle (and all those not yet connected to Circle) to bring us the best connections for Circle Ventures.
We’re excited to get going and welcome you to share your ideas with us.