Our crypto trader's guide to USDC is designed to help you understand how this stablecoin powers the crypto ecosystem. Read today to learn about USDC trading!

This is part of a series of blogs to help people understand the various ways USD Coin (USDC) powers the crypto ecosystem. The other blogs in this series are available here.
USD Coin (USDC) provides crypto traders with an unprecedented level of trust, speed, and ease to move in and out of risk-on trades in the digital asset markets. That’s why more than $1 billion of USDC was issued in its first year alone-making it the fastest-growing stablecoin in the world.
So what are some reasons why traders love USDC?
- It acts as a stable currency
- It allows them to quickly move in and out of trades
- It helps makes exchange arbitrage seamless
To learn more, please download the full use case here:

If you want to try USDC, sign up for a Circle Account today!