Estudio de caso
Félix utiliza el USDC como alternativa al sistema SWIFT
La oportunidad
El costo de enviar dinero desde los EE. UU. a México puede ser alto debido a las tarifas y la lentitud en la liquidación de los bancos y procesadores de pagos.
La solución
Félix emplea USDC, una moneda digital regulada, para reducir el costo de transferir fondos de clientes de EE. UU. a México. Este enfoque no solo disminuye las tarifas de remesas para los consumidores de Félix, sino que también amplía los márgenes de ganancia de la empresa.
Rebaja en la tarifa que Félix podría ofrecer a los usuarios y, a la vez, aumentar la rentabilidad
Félix is a Miami-based financial technology company that allows users to send cross-border payments from the US to Mexico using a chat-based experience in WhatsApp.
América Latina
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Rising remittances, persistent challenges
In 2022, remittance flows into Latin America and the Caribbean increased by 11.3%, reaching $145 billion, following a record increase of 26.5% in 2021. Even with the growing demand for cross-border payments, the process of sending money continues to be both inefficient and costly.
El efectivo sigue siendo el método dominante para enviar remesas. Por lo general, los inmigrantes visitan a un agente de efectivo en Estados Unidos, entregan su dinero y pagan una tarifa considerable; alrededor de $10 por enviar $100, según el CEO de Félix, Manuel Godoy. Una razón por la que estas tarifas son tan altas es que el dinero puede tardar de 3 a 5 días en llegar desde que se mande con el agente en EE. UU. hasta que lo recibe el agente de pagos en México utilizando la red SWIFT y sus bancos corresponsales. Esto significa que el agente de pagos en México debe estar prefinanciado con fondos de pago para varios días, lo que frecuentemente requiere un préstamo costoso.
Félix saw an innovative opportunity to reduce time and cost burdens in order to facilitate cross-border payments for immigrants. They achieved this by integrating USDC, a stable digital currency that is redeemable 1:1 for US dollars, with WhatsApp’s wide usage in Latin America, blending the power of blockchain cross-border payments with user-friendly communication.
Félix story
Félix eligió el USDC en lugar de las transferencias bancarias tradicionales para enviar dólares a México por tres razones: el USDC se liquida casi instantáneamente durante la noche y los fines de semana, lo cual reduce el requisito de prefinanciamiento de Félix. Además, Félix podría reducir el costo de sus tarifas de transacción de USD 4,98 a USD 2,99, proporcionando un ahorro del 40 % en remesas para sus clientes. De esta manera, Félix pudo aumentar su rentabilidad. Al elegir el USDC, Félix priorizó los ahorros de los clientes y, al mismo tiempo, hizo crecer su propio negocio.
Streamlining US-Mexico payments with stablecoin technology
La integración del USDC para las remesas de Estados Unidos y México es sencilla y cumple plenamente con las normas legales y reglamentarias.
Félix set up their transfer system using Circle Mint, Stellar as their blockchain partner, and Bitso as their exchange for converting USDC into Mexican pesos upon arrival in Mexico. This efficient process allows Félix to pay out recipients almost instantly, even during nights and weekends, without the need to pre-fund large sums of pesos.
Recognizing the appeal of in-person money agents, where customers can easily communicate their needs and have the process explained to them, Félix replicated this experience with a modern twist. They introduced an AI-powered chatbot in WhatsApp, named "Félix," providing a familiar and non-intimidating interface. This approach taps into the daily habits of the Latin American population, who commonly use WhatsApp, making financial transactions as simple as everyday conversations.
As a customer, sending and receiving money with Félix is a simple process with instant results. When money is sent through Félix, the US dollars, paid via debit or ACH, are processed through a payment processor. These funds are then exchanged for USDC via Circle Mint, providing a near-instant and secure digital transfer. Next, Félix uses the low-cost Stellar blockchain to send this USDC to Bitso, a prominent crypto exchange in Mexico, where it's converted into Mexican pesos. Finally, the pesos are deposited into a local bank account in Mexico through SPEI, Mexico’s interbank transfer system, completing the transaction swiftly and efficiently.
Recently, major Latin American financial technology brands Nubank and Mercado Pago partnered with Félix to offer US-to-Mexico remittances inside of those companies’ products, extending Félix’s reach to even more customers.
Los resultados
Today, Félix’s innovative approach, bolstered by Circle's robust stablecoin infrastructure, is a beneficial and straightforward way for users to navigate cross-border payments.
By converting local currencies into USDC, they reduce the need for pre-funding, surpassing traditional SWIFT methods in both speed and cost. The resulting savings enable Félix to offer competitive pricing and superior service, while simultaneously boosting their profitability.
En números
Rebaja en la tarifa que Félix podría ofrecer a los usuarios y, a la vez, aumentar la rentabilidad
USDC significantly streamlines the process of transferring money from the US to Latin America. This efficiency enables us to provide better rates for our customers, delivering substantial savings that are crucial for hard-working immigrants supporting their families abroad.”
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